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The Digital-First Customer Experience

Seven Design Strategies from the World's Leading Brands

"Joe Wheeler is my ‘go to’ for anything related to customer insights and customer experience. There is no one better. This new book shares the wisdom of a true master."

Robert C. Wolcott
Co-Founder & Chair
TWIN Global

The Ownership Quotient

Putting the Service Profit Chain to Work for Unbeatable Competitive Advantage

"I pinched myself as I read this. Could it really be this powerful? Could it really be this simple? This book reveals the profit engine, both rigorous and human-centered, that has changed industries. How different my business would be now if I had this book years ago!"

Scott Cook
and Chairman of the
Executive Committee, Intuit

Managing the Customer Experience

Turning Customers into Advocates

"Delivering customers a consistently superior set of benefits is probably the most important driver of value creation. This book provides a number of practical insights which will guide the reader on the difficult but fascinating path leading to greater customer value deliver."

Jean-Claude Larréché, The Alfred H. Heineken Professor of Marketing, INSEAD


Why Platforms Always Win

Platform business models are springing up faster than lemonade stands on a hot summer weekend. Why is this? Is there some magic associated with platform businesses that every company should pay attention to?

The New Digital Leader

Let’s start with the obvious question. Who are they? Who are the digital leaders that can guide the transformation facing literally every organization that provides a product or service?

The One Problem You Must Solve: How You Solve Problems

How does your organization apply innovation to solve problems? What is the cost of success or failure? Perhaps less obvious, what is the cost of not failing often enough?

Why "Mobile"​ Translates to "Instant"​ in Designing Customer Experiences

The combination of smart devices, analytics, and mobile broadband means we can satisfy our needs whenever and wherever they arise, and brands have been working hard to become better at meeting these expectations.

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